Hey guys---A lot of you have been asking if I’m going to keep a blog about my travels to Korea, so, I caved. Here it is. After one more weekend spent at Sewanee, playing volleyball at Lake Cheston, sitting outside on the stairs at Shenanigans, and lying on the dock at Lake Dimmick under the stars, it was hard to remember why anyone would need anything else. Sewanee sure is a hard place to leave. But I said my goodbyes, trespassed on the Res one more time, and reminded myself that nobody really leaves Sewanee forever. I took a quick trip to Chattanooga to take the GRE and see ol’ Cheetah Chestnut (aka Chetna), then I was on the road back to Huntsville to spend some time with the fam and get all packed and ready to leave.
It is still a little bit hard to believe that tomorrow, August 4th, around 6:10AM, I’ll be beginning the first leg of a long day of traveling, which, if all goes well, will end with my landing in Korea at 6:35PM on August 5th. If you want to calculate in the 14 hour time difference, and see how many actual hours of flying and layovers that is, be my guest; conceptualizing all of that is too much for me. Anyway, I’ve never blogged before, so I’m not sure how consistent I will be in posting updates, but at the very least I’ll post some pictures, and try to let everybody in on life in South Korea as a “TaLK Scholar.”
TaLK is a Korean government scholarship program that brings English-speakers from all over the world to areas in rural Korea to teach English in elementary schools. For the first 2 ½ weeks, I’ll be at the Sejong Campus of Korea University in Jochiwon, then for the last week of orientation, I’ll be in Jeonju, the capital of the province Jeollabuk-do. My teaching placement is in Jeollabuk-do, at Napo Elementary school in the city of Gunsan, and that’s where I’ll be headed after the last week of orientation. Although the schedule that I just laid out may make it seem like I know a lot about what I’ll be doing, where I’ll be going, and what life will be like in Korea, don’t be fooled. Everything I just said is exactly how much I know. As soon as I know more, I’ll clue you guys in too. Wish me luck!
So hold on to that passport girl... A stormy start but glad to hear you made all your connections. Can't wait to read your blog about first impressions. We love you!